Mount Sage Advisors, located in the British Virgin Islands, offers Investment Management advisory services to regulated BVI Investment Managers as well as Independent Directorships and Ancillary Services. We primarily provide these services to clients operating in the regulated Investment Management, Private Wealth Management, Family Office, Real Estate and Banking sectors. 

Our Services



Economic Substance Solutions for BVI Managers

Investment Manager & Fund Set-up Solutions

"We deliver independent & value-added advice plus expertise to company boards, ensuring they fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to the shareholders or partners of the respective company or partnership."

“Our propriertary “Sub-Advisor solution”, coupled with provision of BVI Directors & BVI serviced office space combines with Managers Investment team to meet “Core Income Generating Activities” (CIGA) requirements under the BVI Economic Substance Legislation.”

"The fundamental challenge of launching a new Investment Manager and Fund means getting your infrastructure decision right at the formation of the business. Identifying the right long term counterparties (administration, custody and banking) and negotiating competitive fees is a key to long term success."

Meet the management team

Sjoerd Koster, MSc, TEP

Managing Director

+1 (284) 346 7769
